Tugovanje u funkciji gubitka
- Post by: Psyche General
- 23.07.2024.
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Osjećaj tuge zbog gubitka bliske osobe gotovo je neizbježan dio života. Međutim, postoje velike razlike u nošenju s gubitkom ovisno o različitim okolnostima. Iako je provedeno puno istraživanja na ovu temu, još uvijek ne postoje univerzalni odgovori kako se ljudi nose s gubitkom, koje su tipične reakcije ili faze tugovanja i što može pomoći u suočavanju s gubitkom. Različiti podaci ukazuju da su reakcije tugovanja različite kod djece, adolescenata i odraslih, da ovise o osobinama ličnosti i različitim situacijskim čimbenicima. Problematika istraživanja tugovanja javlja se iz različitih razloga zbog čega su česta teorijska objašnjenja koja nisu istražena i nemaju empirijsku podlogu te konstatacije temeljene na opažanjima i radu s tugujućim osobama. Iako još uvijek ne postoji dovoljno istraživanja koja bi u potpunosti mogla razjasniti ovu tematiku, ovom području se sve više pridaje pažnja te su do sada razvijeni različiti protokoli, smjernice i savjeti koji mogu pomoći onima koji se nose s gubitkom i osobama koje su u neposrednom kontaktu s ožalošćenom osobom. U ovom radu ponuđen je kratki pregled nekih od najčešćih reakcija koje se javljaju, opisane su reakcije djece i mladih na gubitak te se pokušava objasniti uloga tuge kao emocije u procesu tugovanja. Ponuđene su i osnovne preporuke koje mogu pomoći kod procesa tugovanja, pogotovo kada se radi o djeci i adolescentima.
Ključne riječi: gubitak, mentalno zdravlje, reakcije na gubitak, smrt, tugovanje
The feeling of sadness due to the loss of a loved one is an almost inevitable part of life and
we all face it sooner or later. However, there are distinct differences in dealing with that loss
depending on different circumstances. Even though numerous research has been conducted on this topic, there are still no universal answers to the questions of how people deal with loss, what the typical reactions or stages of grief are and what can aid the person facing loss. Different data showcases that grieving reactions are different in children, adolescents, and adults, and that they depend on personality traits and different situational factors. The problem of research dealing with grief arises due to various reasons which lead to numerous theoretical explanations that have not been researched and have no empirical foundation, as well as statements based on observation and working with persons dealing with grief. Furthermore, we still do not have sufficient research which could fully shed the light on this topic. However, there is more and more attention being paid to this area and so far, many protocols, guidelines and advice have been developed with an aim to help those dealing with loss and persons in direct contact with a grieving individual. This paper offers a short overview of the most common reactions that occur, describes reactions of children and young people to loss and attempts to explain the role of sadness as an emotion within the grieving process. Fundamental guidelines which can help with the grieving process, especially in the context of younger population, are also provided.
Key words: death, grief, loss, mental health, reaction to loss