The Nature and Role of Cognitive Agility

The Nature and Role of Cognitive Agility


Kognitivna agilnost je slabo istražen formativni konstrukt za kojeg se pretpostavlja da uključuje niz konstrukata poput kognitivne fleksibilnosti, usmjerene pažnje i otvorenosti za iskustva. U ovom se članku kognitivna agilnost sagledava kroz prizmu svoje formativnosti i konstrukata koji ju sačinjavaju, kao i kroz potencijalno zanemarene elemente koje bi tek valjalo istražiti. Nadalje, rad se bavi i drugim kognitivnim konstruktima, poput kognitivne adaptibilnosti, čije su kognitivne strukture i karakteristike slične onima koje se pripisuju kognitivnoj agilnosti, ali su sami konstrukti zasebno opisani i definirani. Predlažemo i dublje istraživanje uloge osobnog iskustva u kontekstu razvoja kognitivne agilnosti. Naposlijetku, raspravlja se o praktičnoj iskoristivosti ovoga konstrukta, odnosno korištenju treninga kognitivne agilnosti u praktične svrhe. U radu se razmatraju dosadašnja saznanja o
kognitivnoj agilnosti iz područja primijenjene psihologije u vojnom kontekstu te kako se mogu primijeniti na razvoj treninga kognitivne agilnosti u nekim drugim primijenjenim sferama, kao što je profesionalni motosport.

Ključne riječi: adaptivnost, kognitivna agilnost, donošenje odluka u dinamičnom okruženju, ljudska izvedba, trening u motosportu


Cognitive agility is an underresearched, formative cognitive construct that is believed to include other cognitive constructs, namely, cognitive flexibility, focused attention, and openness to experience. In this article, the construct of cognitive agility is explored through the lenses of its formativity, as well as potentially overlooked elements of the construct
that are yet to be researched in the future. We also discuss other cognitive constructs, such as cognitive adaptability, whose cognitive structure and characteristics are like those of cognitive agility, yet they are defined and described as separate constructs. Furthermore, we propose an in-depth investigation of the role of personal experience in the context of one’s cognitive agility development. Finally, since the construct itself belongs to the domains of human performance and development, we discuss practical uses of cognitive agility training.
The paper addresses past research results applied in a military setting in the context of establishing training and development programs for cognitive agility as well as possibilities of such developments in other areas of human activity, such as professional motorsport.

Keywords: adaptability, cognitive agility, dynamic decision making, human performance, motorsport training
