Parkinsonova bolest -mogu li psiholozi pomoći?

Parkinsonova bolest -mogu li psiholozi pomoći?


Parkinsonova je bolest druga najčešća neurodegenerativna bolest nakon Alzheimerove, a očituje se u heterogenim simptomima, koji se često dijele na motoričke, poput akinetičkog tremora, te nemotoričke, poput poremećaja spavanja. Glavna značajka ove bolesti je degeneracija dopaminergičkih neurona substantie nigre te degeneracija bazalnih ganglija, a sam uzrok bolesti još je uvijek nepoznat. Uobičajeni oblici medicinske terapije su farmakološka terapija te invazivne metode kada bolest uznapreduje. Osim medicinskih, koriste se i alternativni oblici terapija poput psihoterapije i kognitivnog treninga, kako bi se ublažili psihološki simptomi bolesti i nuspojave terapije. Istraživanja su pokazala da je kognitivno-bihevioralna terapija najdjelotvornija u liječenju anksioznih i depresivnih simptoma, a uz nju se često koriste i mindfulness terapija, psihodrama i psihodinamski pristup te art terapija glazbom, plesom i glinom. Osim psihološkim simptomima, psiholozi se u tretmanu oboljelih od Parkinsona bave i kognitivnim deficitima u domenama pamćenja, izvršnih funkcija i pažnje, koji su posljedice degeneracije neuroanatomskih struktura uzrokovane bolešću. Kognitivni trening pokazao se kao učinkovit rehabilitacijski tretman, koji pacijentima omogućuje povratak kognitivnih sposobnosti na razine prije oboljenja.

Ključne riječi: kognitivni trening, medicinska terapija, Parkinsonova bolest, psihoterapija


Parkinson’s disease is the second most common neurodegenerative disease after Alzheimer’s, and the disease is manifested in heterogeneous symptoms, which are often divided into motor symptoms, like acinetic tremor, and non-motor symptoms, such as sleeping disorders. The main characteristic of the disease is the degeneration of dopamine-induced neurons, the substantia nigra, and the degeneration of basal ganglia, while the cause of the disease is still unknown. The usual form of medical therapy is pharmacological therapy and invasive methods when the disease progresses. In addition to medical therapy, alternative forms of therapy such as psychotherapy and cognitive training, which would reduce the psychological symptoms of the disease and the side effects of therapy, are also used. Research has shown that cognitive behavioral therapy is the most effective for treating anxiety and depressive symptoms. Furthermore, mindfulness therapy, psychodrama and the psychodynamic approach as well as music, dance and clay art therapy are often used in like manner. In addition to psychological symptoms, when treating patients with Parkinson’s, psychologists deal with various cognitive deficits in the domains of memory, executive functions and attention, which are the result of the degeneration of neuroanatomical structures caused by the disease. Cognitive training, which allows patients to return their cognitive abilities to their pre-disease levels, has proven to be an effective rehabilitation treatment.

Keywords: cognitive training, medical therapy, Parkinson’s disease, psychotherapy
